
Wednesday 13 April 2011

Week 6 - New Media, Health & Well-Being

God, how I miss the 90's.

The cartoons were awesome, there were only 4 flavours of chips and the fashion was as bright and colourful as we all thought our future would be. They were simpler times, no one knew or cared what calories were, people ate what they wanted to and spent more time outside and actually talked to people face to face rather than screen to screen. People were more carefree, for better or worse. Ignorance was bliss.

This fantastical view may be influenced by the fact that I was only a child at the time, but you cant deny that the Internet hasn't made us all a little more aware and informed about a whole bunch of stuff we didn't care about back then.

Don't get me wrong, being informed about healthy diet and exercise is a fantastic thing. TV programs such as Masterchef and The Biggest Loser are fantastic ways to project proper exercise and dietary habits to the general populace in an interesting way. It's a great change, though if abused, this obsession with health can be taken advantage of by companies claiming to have a new miracle 'natural' vitamin that essentially is a $90 placebo.

Don't pretend you don't know someone who swears off this garbage.

I know you do.

...I know...

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