
Tuesday 12 April 2011

Week 3 - The New Media Amusement Arcade: Music, Games and Film

I've never been interested in having the most extensive music library ever. I enjoy music, don't get me wrong. I can appreciate a good song from most genres, but I never found it a necessity to have every song by every underground indie band that no-one has ever heard of.

The whole 'iPod wars' thing just sounds like a bunch of self-conscious hipsters looking for validation for their  forum lurking abilities. As Levy (2006) pointed out, "In any case, the iPod era doesn’t mark the end of snobbism but a scary acceleration of it." Janicke (2011) made the hilarious observation that "as soon as Justin Biebers “Baby”  is played in public, people hesitate to sing along, although they know the lyrics by heart."

 *Huff* Well there is my rant for the week. On to Bollywood!

India has always fascinated me. I love their food and their culture, but I haven't had much experience in regards to their Bollywood movies. It kind of comes with how and where I grew up, but reading mostly anything about another culture just reminds me of how ignorant I am. Not in a truly negative way, but the fact that I find it really interesting that other countries have their own movie stars makes me realise I don't really know much outside western culture.

Makes you think.

Levy, Steven. 2006. The perfect thing: how the ipod shuffles commerce, culture and coolness. 1st ed. New York: Simon & Shuster Paperbacks.

New Media: Internet, Self and Beyond. 2011. "Week 3: Are you what you listen to?" New Media: Internet, Self and Beyond, March 20. Accessed May 02, 2011.

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